Monday, November 27, 2006



"4.) Consider how physical and spiritual devotion are represented in two of Donne's poems. What does Donne's treatment of secular and sacred love suggest about the nature of early modern faith?"


You, madam, are trying to trap me into specious generalizations. Just sayin. So, in short form: Protestant Reformation.

The End. Paper complete.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a terrible question!

Fuck, I don't know shit about Donne or early modern anything beyond Kant and even my Kant is sketchy and I can SMELL that that is a terrible question. I move that you methodically tear it to pieces in footnotes that add up to many pages that are attached to the essay that your professor would like. Two for the price of one, one congenial one so acerbic and critical it will make his/her head spin.

In an ideal world.

8:37 PM  

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