Saturday, November 25, 2006


I sent the Boy back to DC a week ago with my handsome Oxford Classics Donne omnibus. This is perhaps too obvious a bribe to even count as such.

I got gin to share with ADiz so I wouldn't have to drink alone.

I waited to tell my parents that I was dropping half my degree (perhaps to be followed by more) as I was fluish and sobbing-- my health for their approval. Not as solid as the rest, but it still felt it.

I went to N.'s party as a reminder that I can be an ok friend. And subtle as a sockful of nickles. But it was nice to see people. Why are his parties so much more civilized than everyone elses'?

I found a Replacements album I haven't listened to since high school to make myself write a couple seriously overdue papers.

I will send you a postcard, good and faithful reader, to let you know again you that I love you. And perhaps by the true ugliness of my postcard win your heart.

And I think to myself: 2 more years of this and you can go. Anywhere. But bribery is harder long distance.


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