Saturday, November 04, 2006

Education, again

School is distracting me from my academic interests.

I think I will quit EMSP as next year the program shall be lectured by a professor who has a bad habit of ignoring matters of substance for cheap jokes and take the last 2 core classes for English instead. I will then take my science credit and do my thesis that summer. I want to talk this over with my parents at Christmas. And with you, Becca.

Mostly I want to write about the women in Tom Jones right now. Maybe also a class on Hobbes. Or Spinoza. I miss philosophy since I am not getting any this year. Instead I am getting lecture after lecture about "hey, science happened. That's cool. Let's fail to examine why". And I want to find someone in the eng. dept. to talk to me about English literary smut and its influences. There was a period in the 1700s when native English smut was always advertised as translated from the French or Italian. Then came Fanny Hill and things changed.

Also, I wish I were going to an American school so I could take a class on Flannery O'Connor and Eudora Welty, those nice southern girls who write. (On a side note, I had a lit grad student try to convince me that O'Connor was male. How odd.)

I worry, looking over this, that my Literary Landmarks course has twisted me into seeing gender as the primary defining trait of literature. Boo. Soon, back to your normally scheduled program of lowbrow bitchin'n'whinin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have an extra slot next semester? (Haha I said "slot".) Because if you do I think you should take the Wagner course that I am taking because it will be a joyous experience, and being in a class with a prof whose digressions are as illuminating to the topic at hand as his lectures properly speaking will help heal your academic wounds.

7:19 PM  

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