Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Romance, IRL

Dear Hemingway,

Your short stories are lovely. But any time you write more than 15 pages about any one group of characters, they become so boring I can't even be offended by them. I mean, I couldn't be even if sexism and solopsism really bothered me. But that's not the point.

The way you write sentences changes too. You novels seem to take the import of one of your short stories but spread it out without adding to it. You do not give words the weight with which you can trusting them. They are unnecessarily buttressed by the hundreds of thousands of words around them, losing meaning because of context.

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I want someone to edit down all of your novels to novellas. Actually, I want you to do that, Hemingway. Because your short stories are so good I get angry with people for talking about your novels.



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