Friday, December 29, 2006

5th Day

Christmas in the family went as well as can be expected. Spent too much time in church, ironing, mending, and drinking. Missed the Boy. Argued about Rosseau with D. Made death curry (apparently, zucchini soak up chili powder). Worried, then cried for a full $150 hour at my temporary analyst (she's really my Mum's. I just borrowed her. Apparently, she told Mum that I'm charming. Bah.). Boy came back, argued with the Boy, resented and felt overshadowed by his new Atari system, was told that "it's new and exciting. You're old and busted." then sulked because I just can't take a joke. Ha. Saw Doug when I was out with the Boy, chased him out of the bar and talked to him for a while. Purchased a scarlet silk satin halter dress to wear New Year's Eve.

I've also read about 20 crappy mystery novels since I got home.

All in all, a good break.


Blogger Q. said...

I followed your Carver recommendation – you didn’t lead me astray. In turn, I recommend Taibo’s Mexican mystery novels. That way, when people ask you what you’re reading you can say, “Mexican mystery novels,” in a tone that makes them want to rush home and kick that copy of “The DaVinci Code: Back with a Vengeance” under their bed, forever collecting dust bunnies with a Denise Austin workout video.

12:07 PM  

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