Thursday, August 03, 2006

So, list form makes things interesting, right?

Last week, in cheery list form:

  • Thursday: Went to Ben's Chili Bowl with S. Ran into I. en route, dragged him along. Fun and cheese fries had by all! AND lots of girl talk which I., our token boy, started.
  • Friday: M. from the Bookstore's (he "wants to be like Jenny from the Block") Birthday. I honestly can't remember much of this, except that I liked his friends and their kittens. One person I met there is arguing a case in front of the Supreme Court this month. One is buying real estate in New York- I'm not sure how, exactly. And there were kittens of variety grey and bitey and of variety black and fuzzy. And a cake. And M. was wearing a lovely skirt and blouse combo made all the more lovely by the fact that he is a burly man with a beard.
  • Saturday morning: On the Metro, drunk, at 3am, I ran into Nick, with whom I went to high school, where we disliked each other. We walked around Cheverly for hours talking about stuff. I promised to go hiking with him.
  • Saturday: Bought an alarm clock. Crashed local party. Got bored, left. Only after drinking other people's drinks though. Like highway robbers but in suburban rec rooms. Nick pretended we hadn't spent the morning from 3-6ish singing the early works of the Jam and smoking my cigarettes.
  • Sunday: Church. Boy came back, though sickly.

That was about it. This week was the normal popsy routine plus being nice to sick Boy in ways that weren't overexciting. And Wednesday, I lost his cousin and her boyfriend. I had been entrusted to take them a-touristing. I left them in a museum at 5 because I needed beer and pool after making sure they knew where the nearest Metro station was and where the Boy lives. They didn't have a phone with them and didn't show up at his place til 11, after we'd spent the last 2 hours calling back and forth, debating whether or not calling the police would be ok. And cousin and boyfriend both are intelligent adults, well older than us. But DC is having a CRIME EMERGENCY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Also, it sounds like you are meeting high rollers and things, with the new york apartments and supreme courts.

7:20 PM  

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