Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Family

Went to yet another libertarian shindig last night, this one tenuously connected to a debate, to accompany the Boy (who is kinda shocked and disgusted by how much I like political-ish events). Debate a total wash, was supposed to be a grand libertarian vs. conservative bloodbath but they were so sweet to each other. And the Boy got the best heckle in so I am exceedingly proud of him. Although someday I want an escort that remembers that I prefer cheap red reception plonk to cheap white reception plonk.

The libertarian afterparty was fun (free drinks for the J. from Reason mag., 2 NY Times employees ["I write for the business section of the Times. The New York Times. ", emphasis his, before he even told me his name. Gahhhhh. The research assistant was not only nicer but also v. much cuter. ADiz, I kept his business card. How persuasive can you be?], and a nice unemployed lawyer who wants to enter the Lovely Land of Politics, and of course, the Boy [cutest news-type I've ever had the joy to meet. Take that, NY Times!]). So I spent my evening chatting about English lit., annoying men (yeah, I'm talking about you, Business Section), my father and how he is a libertarian folk hero (he ought to align with them. The conservatives are rather embarassed by him.), and how weird DC is while drinking my delightful little face off. And I met Grover Norquist. In the bar. Weird. He has the most beautiful beard, like strange rich foreign furs...

And E. gave me her e-mail address. She is the coolest lib chickie ever, although I also adore the lovely V., who just assumed she'd see me again. And my Dad's intern studiously avoided me this time.

And tonight I went out to the local Italian joint with the folks and the 2 youngest sibs. I told my Dad about his legions of libertarian fanboys and -girls and he was bemused. My parents and I then spent the rest of the meal swapping lobbyist horror stories, many involving facial hair, germophobia, and ethnic rotisseries. My youngest brother, Thos., spent the meal playing his GameBoy and Gem. complained about my consumption of Supreme Eggplant (as the menu has it- basically eggplant parmesan stuffed with spinach over ziti) in her too-too-delicate presence.

And I'm using mah connexions to get an internship at the NRA next summer. The wheels, they are already turning towards destiny!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


National Rifle assosiation?


9:30 PM  
Blogger J said...

Yes, the National Rifle Association. Because they have office buildings with a shooting range and they call me 'lil gal'.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That's destructive, and awesome. and gainful employment!

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

3:41 AM  

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