Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Doctors and Alberta, mostly

Too many tasty tasty (though too moist, not chewy enough) gingersnaps make little Js sugar-dopey enough to take the Metro to Columbia Heights (it takes like 45 minutes, even if you don't have to wait for trains. That's suuuuuuch a long time. I'm beginning to resent that train ride. So much. Damn it. So much.) to watch pirate movies (Burt Freakin Lancaster's The Crimson Pirate- v. homoerotic) with the Boy (who was still excited about the 2nd Pirates if the Caribbean movie), which Boy gets overly into pirate movies (which eventuated in Js being tickled at 3 in the morning, with cries of "Avast ye!" and suchlike and then pillowfights. It's like 6 year olds, but not so creepy when it smooches the back of one's neck. And what kind of night is it where you get no play except acting like pirates? Awesome.), which all ends up in gingersnap piracy. I think. I got a bit lost there.

And then today I went to see a doctor that gave me more psychotropic drugs and told me to gain 5-10 pounds. And she was rather amused that I showed up to my 2 pm appointment looking as if I had just rolled out of my bed of sin, shaking off lovers and lotharios along the way. Which wasn't exactly true- I got a sandwich en route. She pointedly told me that this drug has been known to decrease libido, and then she smirked. I like this one. I wish I'd saved her a gingersnap.

Afters, I went to the National Mall to see the Alberta bit of the Folklife festival. There were tourists gettin educated and Mountie dress uniforms, not containing Mounties, and Ukranian music and dinosaurs which made me sad that I didn't have a camera to take pictures of the dinosaur models and fossils and sign talking about how Alberta loves a) dinosaurs and b) giant roadside attractions, both of which combine to create the WORLD'S BIGGEST T. REX. It was so exciting I forgot my disappointment at the lack of Mounties.

And I got home, went to the pool and gossiped about Cheverly (D. R. got engaged! WTF?!?), ate couscous, and fed the cat more peas. Rotten Ralph really likes peas. They're like crack to him- he gets all melty and blissed and bites when you stop giving them to him. So I need to buy more peas.


Blogger A-Diz. said...

The world's largest T Rex is, in fact, the coolest of the giant roadside attractions. Someday Becca and I will buy you an ice cream for consumption beneath its shady self.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

What! There's a thing in DC that is about Alberta? That's insanity.

I hope there was a portion of the exhibit about the Gopher Hole Museum, which has hundreds upon hundreds of stuffed gophers dressed in period costumes and arranged into scenes (Edwardian gophers, Jacobean gophers, Mesopotamian gophers, Egypian royal family gophers, &c.), and Vulcan Days in Vulcan (which town boasts a Starship Enterprise model on its main drag and hands out plastic Vulcan ears annually), and the World's Largest Teepee, or the railway museum in Wetaskiwin (I think) that is pretty much a lawsuit waiting to happen as it's a collection of dilapidated old trains and railway equipment upon which visitors are permitted to clamber unsupervised—with even one of those by-hand things with the two-person lever action and a stretch of track littered with obstacles for driving it on.

Interiot BC has Alberta beat, though: a house built from embalming fluid bottles, a "museum" of many different kinds of things in miniature, and a creepy themeparkesque place with Disney characters EIGHT FEET TALL AND MADE FROM CONCRETE hidden in the forest for small children to stumble upon unexpectedly, all on the same stretch of highway maybe fifteen kilometres in length.

Glad they covered the dinosaurs, though. Those are important.

9:15 PM  
Blogger A-Diz. said...

...did she have to bring up the teepee?

Also, don't forget BC is home to the world's largest dumptruck. And in some ways Saskatchewan has us all beat. For they have a giant cement statue of a moose(in Moose Jaw). Even Pinto the world's largest pinto bean (seriously) can't top that.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

His name is Pinto McBean, I'll have you know.

Bow Island is awesome.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

2:02 PM  

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