Friday, June 30, 2006

Lonely, lovely? Let me talk international trade...

Crap day. Some jerk musician followed me around as I was searching for legit employment. Yeah, buddy, I recognize you and I think all of yer bands suck. [Cry, o DC, for your dying scene, cry unto Ian MacKaye and blessed blessed HR, let the sobs of your hardcore kids berefit of places to pit-dance be heard, cry unto the Almighty Rock, o DC.] He got me sorbet, variety rasberry, and told me that "we need to find you a job" as I prattled nervously about the Boy and my deep commitment to not being picked up by squicky guitarists with bad teeth and tried to back away politely, because I have met him before and didn't want to be mean. I eventually broke free in Meridian Hill Park and ran to the Boy's place for the hiding like skittish little squirrels (my totem mammal, by the by). The Boy snuggled me and fed me beer and pizza and didn't mock me for not just kicking this pillock in the ballocks and screaming. I wanted to, but I get nervous in social situations, huh. I really feel kinda sorry for him because he is so obviously lonely and so obv. wants a piece of the J, but cmon! A girl shouldn't have to dart out into traffic, screeching "Laters!" to escape advances. That's a bit much.

And I'm still unemployed. Anyone looking for a dilettant? I can scrub showers and talk Spinoza.

On the plus side, the pictures of Junichiro Koizumi at Graceland wearing Elvis' sunglasses will provide fantasy fodder for a long time. I love state visits, and this is the coolest to happen in a long time, although I wish I'd known about Koizumi greeting JapAms on the White House grounds. I could've sung Love Me or Trying to Get to You at him from the crowd. A girl can dream and he IS single...

Koizumi is the foxiest of the world leaders by a long shot. Although if we're willing to take it to a slightly less VIP stage, the New Zealand ambassador, whose name I've forgotten, is devastatingly charming. And that Minister of Culture over in Finland... Who needs to ogle worn-out celebrities, tarnished by a million dirty dreams, when one can desire politicians and be the only one besides their underlings to notice them at all?

I've lived in this town too long.


Blogger Rebecca said...

You're going to stay there even longer, don't deny it. :)

I stole yr bed and mailed yr stole, hopefully the former will... I don't know, entice you to return early!, and the latter will brighten your day, in four to ten business days.

11:44 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

And it took all the telephones on its way out, and also the can opener—all fair, as those things belonged to it—but it took some tea that WASN'T its. Tempted to track it down and slit its throat.


10:19 PM  
Blogger A-Diz. said...

My dearest J-Spot,

Was on the verandah for a cigarette and came to an important conclusion: I need you to teach my the ways of the ska loving ska-lover. Because the Clash is awesome, but one cannot survive by Clash alone (at least, not when the record player is gone). Be my sensi, Jules. Be it good?

1:50 PM  
Blogger J said...

Mailing you best of ska compilation, with good tracks marked. Will bring more cds. Did anyone check the records, cause if she took the Chuck , Clash, or Kinks, I will hurt. And which tea?

3:47 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Records seem to be safe. (I checked.)

Phew, I guess, though I kinda want to get together a lynch mob just because.

4:08 PM  

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