Thursday, August 10, 2006

New favorite

My new favorite excuse for a guy's being unable to fool around:

"I'm sorry. I... just can't kiss you. I'm thinking about Prince."

This beats the hell out of "Well, my life is really complicated" or "I'd hate to lose you as a friend".

Yes, the Boy and I did watch Purple Rain, why do you ask? Amazing. I am totally in love with that falsetto-crooning, lithe-hipped little man. And I'm not talking about the Boy. I would so trade him for Prince.

Guys, we need a Movie Night to End All Movie Nights involving Purple Rain, Thriller, and Stop Making Sense. We could add in an Elvis or Ritchie Valli movie if you think this is too limited by era. Please? We will be the rockingest, in an 80s way. Why hasn't AC/DC made a movie?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miyavi made a movie where he went back in time to the 1980s...

5:52 PM  
Blogger A-Diz. said...

I know! Clearly "Hell's Bells" is asking for some sort of haunted church monster smashup. Sigh.

Also, you and Rebecca need to reappear right now, because I made far more gucamole than one person can eat and seeing it sit in the fridge makes me sad.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Me: *extends hand, shakes his hand, withdraws.* Hawksley Workman, I think you should marry me.
Hawksley Workman: *looks at me appraisingly.* Maybe later.
Me: Later it is! *toasts the radiant future, finishes beer, exits stage left*

11:39 PM  
Blogger J said...

Celebrity marriages are the best way I know of to pass an afternoon.

A., baby, let's marry members of AC/DC in an effort to get them to make a movie. That's almost as worthwhile as new bras, right? And you can have first picks.

2:36 PM  

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