Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Sometimes, working at a coffeeshop means that I leave the house, look down, and realize that I thought "business-appropriate attire" means a huge men's button down worn over leggings and cowboy boots.

Save me from myself. (At least I went right back in the house and changed. Right?)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Questionable Value, Lots of Maybes

I'm reading all of Shakespeare's history plays.

Already read: Henry IV, 1 &2. 2 down, 8 to go.

Maybe this will be an important life lesson about something. Like maybe "Don't set odd personal goals, because that is why you slogged through The Mysteries of Udolpho and why you are now aware of your shocking ignorance of English history and have lots of plays to read now now now." But that is awfully long for a life lesson. I'd rather get something about the power of love or Jesus or something as my life lesson anyway. Maybe I should try enacting all of the plays lesson's successively? (I'm already so down with Prince Hal's "underachieve now to succeed later" credo.)

Besides, I worry that this will seem like a desire to spend as much time with the canonical-ist of all canonical figures because he is the c.-ist of all c.f. and not because I'm a bit manic about completing sets of things. Which isn't a great reason either but is much truer. And the Henrys were great fun. So this might turn out better than the gothic fiction thing. Maybe. Long story short, I'm at loose ends without school. Please recommend to me things I ought to do with my brain that maybe might actually do me some good.