Friday, May 04, 2007

Same as it ever was

So, dudes, how are you? And how is Canada? And that Justin Trudeau thing is a sign of the coming end times, right?

DC redeemed itself somewhat last night- I found a bar with $1 beer during happy hour. It may be Bud, but it's a freaking dollar and a couple $1 Buds after a $4 double Wild Turkey (the bartender used to work at the M&S too) are not to be sneered at. And I met a delightful lady journalist who snarked about how Roll Call has gotten nice instead of being all petty backbiting. But I can't wait til my people are back in town. Although I saw punker Dave (D.'s house/bandmate) at the Metro station- some people never leave so you can miss them. He told me I should come in and see D. but I staggered home instead. But I think the goal for this summer is no ex-boyfriends. I can get drinks with them, I can go to shows with them, but if they try to touch me or tell me how lonely they are I will stab them. Possibly.

And can someone remind me that I get really angry when I try to read Umberto Eco? Because I just read The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana and it made me seethe for about 18 hours afterwards. Pop culture references are a thoroughly obnoxious way of exploring personal memory. You think the title would have tipped me off as to its quality, but Mom liked it and I was bored. But I shouldn't let boredom influence too many decisions. I do, but I shouldn't. And that is why I've got a date for Saturday. Here's a fun party game: guess his profession, the instrument he plays, the last big city he lived in, and his ethnic and socioeconomic background. J-points to those who score high.


Blogger Rebecca said...

1. I get three guesses. Policy wonk, lawyer, some other kind of lobbyist type.
2. Guitar!
3. New York.
4. The WASPiest imaginable.

Do I get a prize?

3:46 PM  
Blogger A-Diz. said...


Job is shockingly okay. Has its good and bad. The bad being that I have not yet had a day off since starting and can't entirely work the computers.

The good being that only about half the things I cover suck completely.

I shall try to go in a different direction than Becca.

1. He is a lawyer, but it is not interesting law. Alternatively, he is an intern and I laugh at you.

2. Guitar! (I know, I said different, but c'mon.)

3. The same part of Compton.

4. I hope he is sad eyed and Jewish. Probably, he has some German ancestry, or is part Irish.

7:08 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

I really like "the same part of Compton", unqualified. DEEP DOWN WE ARE ALL FROM THE SAME PART OF COMPTON AMIRITE

7:23 PM  
Blogger J said...

1. Journalist (junior with the WaPo. Covering pet food, so some good bylines recently.)
2. Guitar!
3. New York, but he likes Jersey City better because...
4. Italian as all hell. Guido stylee. Coach manbag, Hermes tie, expensive haircut. So not poseur intellectual at all.

My tastes are my mistakes.

9:05 AM  
Blogger J said...

And Becca gets the prize. But not by much.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things in Medicine Hat with unfortunate names:

1. "Afternoon Delight" a dessert buffet at the local hotel.

2. Alberta Massage and Spa's "Annual Mother's Day Cholcolate Fantasy."
...I didn't even ask.


4:18 PM  

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