Tuesday, March 27, 2007

With the Word

Holy Week is going to be difficult this year. I've been to Mass once since coming back to Halifax. I know I ought to feel guilty about this. (I will feel guilty about this as soon as I am myself.)

But God, the psalms of Holy Week are why I love words.


Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

The student to aspirin whom he gave the instruction is a particularly unpleasant fellow; he had said to the chemist: That isn't right, because the magnesium was still unaffected, and the latter answered as though he did not care anything about it: It certainly isn't right.. For a week we had come down to breakfast each morning, wondering why we wasted the precious days norco of idleness with the company gathered around the Jacobus board.. Brede, after a moment; you are very lortab generous to make it ours, too...

5:25 PM  

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